Ita Travel - luxury travel to Italy

Ita Travel is a travel agency with a passion for the Italian. The company offers luxury travel packages to various locations in Italy with a focus on food, drink and beautiful surroundings. The agency recently gained a lot of attention after conducting several bike tours in Franciacorta with Dag Otto Lauritzen.

The company undertook a major transformation process with a brand change to which we at Link Development contributed. This resulted in a new name, new visual identity, new strategy and new website.

Design, Website, Business

Video created by Link Development
Video created by Link Development
image showing this project

We have only good words to say about the work Link Development has done with our brand and digital strategy. Very professional, with great understanding with the wishes and needs of the client.

company logo
Frank Jensen
Ita travel

Brand and concept

The customer's desire was a stronger expression based on the Italian and the pleasant feeling of being on vacation. After a brainstorming session, we landed on the name Ita Travel, a name that can be associated with the Italian, but also allows room for expansion and scaling — Ita; Italy; InternationalTravelAgency. Furthermore, we wanted to bring out the feeling of Italy and holidays in the logo, which was designed with a focus on soft lettering and flowing lines to represent the floating in wine and sea. The customer's wish was further that the Italian colors should be represented in the logo, and we designed a thin underline of the Italian flag. The logo was made in several colors to be able to be adapted to different graphic presentations, and we landed on olive green color on the website. The green color is well represented in Italy — in the green vines, in the juicy olives by the wine glass and the pesto that originates from northern Italy.

Associated social media templates were designed for the customer to use, and a digital strategy focused on customer experiences was developed and implemented.

logo for the project


The website was set up on the website builder at the request of the customer who was familiar with the platform. The customer wanted the opportunity to be able to make future changes themselves, as well as have a full overview of statistics.

The website was designed with a focus on easily sorting the offerings of the company into different categories. This led us to a menu with a mid-set logo separating the offers; holiday accommodation and travel on the left-hand side — and company information and travel tips on the right-hand side. The customer wanted the home page to promote the travel packages of the company and have clear call-to-action.

The website also received a boost in terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

image showing this project
image showing this project


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